What if you could reboot your health, tap into your creative self, awaken your wild nature and lead from your heart...all while feeling well rested?

Yoga Nidra is a practice that ever so gently peels away the layers of illusion until all that’s left is the most innocent, connected part of yourself that you’ve been longing to know intimately. 

When you meet yourself there, you have access to insights, creativity, intuition, subconscious programming & self love. 

Old, outdated programs like urgency, chaos, procrastination, anxiety and overwhelm slowly start to slip away and are replaced with confidence, self trust and a simple kind of awareness that can’t be described, only felt. 

Your nervous system resets to a state of calm and ease.

Your hormonal system remembers how to balance itself.

You can clear out unconscious programming & amplify your potential to create positive and life affirming neuro-pathways in your brain, which help you show up for life feeling confident, calm and collected in order to handle whatever challenges life presents.

Yoga Nidra combines two key components that women need in their life: a well rested body and a deep connection to one's soul.

A well rested, healthy body helps the soul fulfill it's purpose and equips you to do the work on this earth you were called to do.

Practicing Yoga Nidra regularly

  • soothes and balances the nervous system.
  • relieves stress and tension.
  • helps us relieve anxiety, worry and fear.
  • activates the relaxation response.
  • changes your physical and emotional responses to stress.
  • helps you live with a clear head.
  • restores peace and rejuvenation to the whole body.
  • awakens creativity and increases clarity.
  • brings you back home to your wisdom, insight & intution.
  • Reteach your nervous system to access states of calm, ease & creativity.


Meet Krista-Rest Coach, Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra Teacher

I am most passionate about supporting overwhelmed, exhausted and anxious women come home to themselves through building simple rituals and practices that connect mind-body-soul.  Together, we build strategies, inner resources, rituals, daily practices and relationships that promote feelings of safety and connection in the body. 

Done with consistency and devotion, these tools allow you to embody your full power and potential.  

At the heart of my offerings is a deep desire to help you connect to the power of rest, your inner wisdom and to taste the radiance of everyday life. I am devoted to the journey of self-study, and to cultivating a life that puts rest and rhythm at the center, while helping you do the same.