Coming Home To You

A virtual 2-hour experiential workshop using somatics to create body-mind connection and experience body-based approaches to healing.

Upcoming Workshop Time
Monday August 15th 2022
6:00 PM CENTRAL Time


Save Your Seat for $37!

  • Do you sometimes feel invisible?
  • Do you struggle with setting boundaries?
  • Do you worry more about what other people think about you than what you think about you? 
  • Do you not fully know what you need and what you want in life?
  • Do you tend to attract narcissists and toxic relationships into your life?
  • Do you spend more time than you would like caring for others?
  • Do you think you always need to be fixing others?
  • Do you sacrifice your own needs and wants to appease others?

Codependent Patterns... People Pleasing, Lack of Boundaries and Resentment ... keep us focused outwards on others.

Codependency is a loss of self-self abandonment.

Somatic Practices allow you to COME BACK HOME - to yourself.

I want you to understand that there is nothing wrong with you.

You are not broken.

If you grew up in a household where you always walked on eggshells, your needs were never met, you weren’t allowed to express your feelings or your authentic self, this probably created a hyper focus on other people.  What that may looks like is always focusing on OTHERS.  Others needs, others wants, what others think of you, what others opinions are.  And when we become OTHERS focused, we completely lose SELF.

And the way to heal is to FEEL.

Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we say to ourselves on a deep level in response to what has happened and what we have locked in our body. Our body literally hold unto and stores these tension patterns. THIS is what causes the dysregulation that you might be experiencing— and it means that the POWER to heal lies within YOU! Change is possible!

I was codependent for decades and DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT!!!

From a young age, I carried feelings about my lack of self-worth because whatever I did, i was never seen, acknowledged or made to believe it was okay to be myself. Showing and sharing emotions was not permissible so I stuffed my feeling WAAAAAY deep down and avoided them like the plague. From this experience, I came to believe that I was not good enough. I decided that there must be something wrong with me.  I felt criticized, judged and left standing out on the sidelines a lot.  I constantly felt like I walked on egg shells so that the ‘big people’ in my life wouldn't be upset with me.  Looking back, I had constant anxiety but I thought that was normal. I truly thought everyone had butterflies in their stomach everyday.

Now, of course, as a child, I WAS good enough. From my adult self, I REALIZE THAT MENTALLY. My parents parented me to the best of their ability based on what they learned from their childhood. However, I did not have the capacity to recognize this as a child, so the negative belief that got wired into my brain was “I AM NOT GOOD ENOUGH”. This resulted in somatic memory. Whenever someone would try and make me feel like I was not good enough, my body would physically react to that trauma! I would react by working tirelessly at trying to get them to like me, worrying about why they didn't like me, overthinking it and causing myself so much anxiety!

This memory was stored in my body and anything that triggered it would take me back to those painful feelings, and encourage me to practice codependency to create a sense of safety and security for myself.

My blueprint became a people-pleasing, high-achieving perfectionist!!! 

This made me a walking magnet for unhealthy friendships, and relationships. I felt responsible for everyone, when someone was sad or mad, I believed it was my fault and I felt so much shame when I made a mistake.

I tried to think my way out of these patterns and limiting beliefs.  I would make progress, but then once again, find myself in the same old walking on eggshells, suppressing my emotions and thoughts, not sharing my opinions and ideas patterns. I believed I had to be perfect and show up the way people needed.

These memories were stored in my body and anything that triggered them would take me back to childhood painful feelings, and set me into a me codependency frenzy to try and create a sense of safety and security for myself. This meant my blueprint became a people-pleasing, perfectionist!!! 

Register Now For Only $37!

Maybe you, like me, started living from the "neck up." 

I tried to analyze, overthink and ruminate on every little decision and issue.  I completely disconnected from the wisdom of the body.  I had coaches telling me, "when you’re in your head, your dead," yet they didn’t ever really share with me the tools to help me get into my body.  

Because it’s one thing to say it, but another to actually experience what it FEELS like to live in your body. 


Perhaps you too, feel disconnected from the wisdom of your body.  Maybe you spend time overthinking, rationalizing, contemplating, ruminating and trying to solve every problem from your mind.

It wasn’t until I learned about somatics, getting back into the body and learning that the body holds much valuable information for me, that I was really able to experience true healing and transformation.


I created this 2 hour experiential workshop as a way to help you understand your body, your system and ground yourself in ways that will help you to stay conscious, present and pause so that you can help yourself in real time.  

After our two hours of shared learning & practice you will:


Understand Codependency

The first step in recognizing and healing your codependency starts with learning more about codependency itself and how it manifests in different areas of our life. We will focus on learning to recognize your codependent behaviors and what it truly feels like to be in a codependent position.


The Basics of Polyvagal Theory, Somatics + Nervous System Regulation

Tools to regulate yourself so you can come back home to yourself despite the circumstances around you...How to recognize little clues and signals as to when your body wants to communicate with you.


Your Window of Tolerance

Your Window of Tolerance and how to expand yours so you can move through life feeling more capable, strong and confident with your choices.


Simple Everyday Tools to Bring You Home

SIMPLE everyday tools to help you regulate your nervous system and come back home to yourself.  Through working with the brain AND body, you can truly become codependent no more.

Should you choose to experience this workshop, you will learn to feel your feelings, so you can begin to speak your truth, set healthy boundaries, and slowly begin to put yourself first. 

This result is that you can live in higher states of consciousness as opposed to living a reactive life.

If you’re tired of trying to mind muscle your way through life and feeling heavy and exhausted because you just can’t get it right, then this workshop is for you!

If you’re tired of trying to mind muscle your way through life and feeling heavy and exhausted because you just can’t get it right, then this workshop is for you!

Somatic practices will help you understand the great wisdom that your body holds and that you were never made to carry around so much content and drama in your brain.  

For decades I didn’t know how to live any other way-I had been shaped, conditioned and socialized to live inside my head.  I didn’t know there were other options.  When we live in our heads, we cut ourselves off from truly experiencing the zest of life.  

Living in our bodies, feeling safe and connected to our bodies helps us experience the fullness, the joy, the aliveness and wonder that it means to be human. 

By living inside my body and feeling my feelings, I have been able to release and heal my anxiety.  I now have the tools to use the feedback that my body provides me to know when something is ‘off.’ 

I trust myself and my body’s signals whilst being present to all life has to offer.  Mainly
I feel joy, freedom and peace.  And that is worth everything!

Hi There!!!

I’m Krista Resnick and I am so thrilled to guide you on your boundary journey.  The last 5 years of my life as a master coach have been dedicated to helping women just like you overcome their people pleasing-codependent and performing tendencies. I watch women come alive, when they feel empowered to set healthy boundaries and speak their truth. Boundaries truly are the key to creating the space you need and connection you crave.

My passion and purpose as a master coach and is to help you embody the truth of who you are.  My mission is to empower YOU with the tools and support to set healthy boundaries because you deserve to live free, authentic and true!

And now you’re invited to join me inside a safe and sacred space of like-minded women all committed to using these tools to set healthy boundaries so you can create the space you need and the connection you crave.



Having trouble loving and trusting yourself because of how society conditioned your mind about the only way to live.

Having trouble knowing what you truly want and struggling to live IN your body.

Afraid of showing your feelings because you feel it's selfish to take care of your own needs above others.


A virtual 2-hour experiential workshop using somatics to create body-mind connection and experience body-based approaches to healing.

Join us on Monday, August 15th 2022 at time 6pm Central Time

For only $37!!!

So if you're ready to:

  • Start loving yourself
  • Start trusting yourself
  • Begin LIVING IN your body
  • Learn how to create a felt sense of safety in your body
  • Feel your feelings rather than stuff them down deep inside
  • Build a rock solid sense of Self
  • Ditch anxiety and overwhelm
  • Start making decisions, EASILY
  • Value yourself over the approval of others

Then join us:

for this 2 hour workshop with Krista Resnick, Master Coach, Boundary Expert and host of the Becoming Boundaried Podcast as she teaches you simple, practical tools to cultivate a compassionate relationship with you and come back home to yourself.

Save your spot for only $37!